- Getting started
- General Questions
- Graphic Covers
- What are/is
How Do I Start a Comic Order?
Whether this is your first order or you are building your library, the information below can help you make each book in your collection exactly as you want it, ‘bespoke’.
So, let’s get started!
Select the materials you want bound into hardcover books.
How many issues in one volume?
The maximum number of comics in one volume is 26 issues (or 50mm in width/thickness)
You can combine Comic issues and trade paperbacks into one volume with a maximum thickness of 50mm.
All pages are Section Sewn for durability and lay flat opening.
Preparing your order for binding?
Print and enclose your instructions, providing your name, address, email and phone number for each consignment of comic books to be bound.
Place each volume in the chronological order you want it bound and enclose your written instructions on the top within your packaging.
How to pack the material for binding?
Remove all comic issues from bags and clear sleeves before sending to the bindery.
We will remove all covers from trade paperbacks unless instructed to leave them in position.
Pack all the volumes into a box(es) and ship securely to the following address;
Spink and Thackray Bookbinders – Enfield Terrace, Leeds, LS7 1RG
We’ll get the books started and notify you when complete (or sooner if needed for illustrated cover designs).
What is Rounding and Backing?
Rounding and backing the spine gives the book a curved spine; a thin, flexible backing is added under the cover allows it to open and lay flat easier and preserve the binding longer.
Comic Books are trimmed on the three exposed edges after being bound, and prior to rounding. This gives the books a clean, smooth edge.
Note: All three edges of the book must be trimmed, or none.
If foldouts are located within your issues, we will not trim the front edge.
Ribbon Bookmarks
A 6mm silk ribbon bookmark is adhered to the inside spine of the book block that can be used to mark your page. Applied at our discretion to suit outer cover colour(s)
Available Colours:
Black, White, Brown, Orange, Yellow, Purple, Green, Navy, Blue, Teal, Maroon, and Red.
Note: You can have more than one bookmark in a book.
Head & Tail Bands
Decorative headbands at the top and bottom of the spine.
Applied at our discretion to suit outer cover colour(s)
Available Colours:
Black, White, Blue, Black & Gold, Black & White, Red & Gold, Burgundy & Gold, Red & White, Green & Gold, Green & White, Blue & Gold, Blue & White.
End Papers
All books will receive an off-white end paper. This is a 160gsm uncoated heavy paper that joins the book block (the bound comics) to the cover.
Black end sheets are available for an additional charge.
Cloth Cover – or – Graphic Cover?
Full Cloth – options include different colours of Arbalave Library Buckram cloth, foil stamping, die stamping, and other decorative elements to the spine. They have an attractive “Library” appearance and are extremely durable.
Graphic Cover – We provide print, gloss laminate and trimmed to size from your artwork provided to the bindery as PDF.
Foil Lettering
Lettering is added to the spine and/or cover of a cloth book using hot foil stamping in our standard type in either gold, silver, black or white foil.
Size 24pt type is used by default, but an increase/decrease in size may be needed depending on the book and will be done at the bindery’s discretion.
Die Stamps
Are metal stamps that can apply foil in a pattern or logo onto a cloth book.
Spink and Thackray bookbinders have a collection available for general use, and new die stamps can be created from PDF for £45.00 +Vat each (one off cost)
Note: Die stamps are a solid piece of metal and cannot be adjusted in size.
Also note, once created, the die stamp will remain at Spink and Thackray bookbinders and be available for general use. If you would like the die stamp returned, there will be a fee (50% of the cost of the die)
A request for the die stamp to be returned to you must be made when it is ordered.
Panel Lines
Horizontal lines of foil placed on the spine of a book. They are decorative and a great way to divide content on the spine. Each line is chargeable for the application / tooling.
Graphic Covers
This is an option where a printed image is gloss laminated and applied directly to the boards of the book in place of the cloth. Simply provide your own designed PDF file once we provide you with dimensions within the binding process.
Customer Provided Graphic Covers
We will send you the exact dimensions of each volume during the binding process. At that time, you send us print ready PDF and we will print, gloss laminate, and apply to the book cover.
Note: We will provide the SPINE, the COVER WIDTH, and the COVER HEIGHT. You will need to add these together and add 25mm BLEED to all four sides.
Tip: Let the images on the cover extend into the bleed, but not text or logos.
Can I add my own pages or a Table of Contents to the book?
Yes, table of contents can be designed by you and a PDF sent to the bindery to print and insert to each volume.
How do I send my cover files to the bindery?
After receiving the dimensions for your order, you should send your designs as individual PDF files.
Files should be flattened, without layers, when you send them.
You can email them or share a link to a media source like WeTransfer, Dropbox or Google Drive.
How long does it take?
Normal turn-around time is within 4 weeks from door to door. That said: our goal is to produce the best possible book and as quickly as possible.
Will I get updates?
We will communicate with you when the comic issues are received within the bindery.
We will notify you with dimensions if you are providing an illustrated cover design during the binding process.
When the books are complete, we will send you an invoice and ship upon receiving payment.
Do I need to remove staples or covers to trade paperbacks?
No, we will do both.
How can I match a book I had done previously?
The best way to match a book is to send it with your order, we will return it with the newly bound book(s) once your binding order is complete.
For your re-assurance, we hold records of your previously bound volumes on file within our archives.
Next best option is to provide pictures with a ruler showing the entire book and spine and clear markings on the ruler.
If you still have questions of need to quote get in touch using the form bellow or give us a call on 0113 2780353